It’s been another exciting week for us at The BCN Studio. As we get ready for our busiest week so far, we found time to have a little team get together to celebrate our first Christmas, with a murder mystery dinner and a lot of mulled wine.
Last weekend saw Iain Anderson taking to our stage with his witty & heart-warming show, Traumedy. Drawing on his experience of life as a homeless addict on the streets of Barcelona.
Wednesday is always Improv night & now with a fun workshop to warm up with before the show & made even better with free pizza!
Our resident theatre company, Teatro Del Sotano performed a rehearsed reading of their play The Clock Struck 13 in English for the first time.
What's on
(December 14th - December 22nd)
Monday 16th
Sex Therapy
Rose es una ama de casa que le va a ver a Bridgett tras ver un vídeo suyo en las redes sociales. Llega a su consulta y se entera de que es una sexóloga. A través de las sesiones Rose se transforma, descubriéndose a si misma y a más cosas... Un nuevo mundo se ha abierto!
Show 20:30 Doors open 20:00
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Tuesday 17th
Historias de Celebración
El Teatro Playback es una experiencia participativa donde las historias del público se recrean de manera espontánea por las actrices y músicos, creando una conexión profunda. Es un espacio inclusivo, diverso y respetuoso, donde todas las voces tienen valor, cada experiencia es válida, y creamos una comunidad en la que todas podemos compartir, escuchar y ver.
Show 20:00 Doors open 19:30
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Wednesday 11th
Watch This Space Improv: Show & Jam
Our resident improv team Watch This Space will host their weekly improv show & jam! Watch the team turn your suggestions into entertaining scenes & chaotic games. After the show, it's your opportunity to jump on stage & be part of the fun!
Workshop 19:00 - reserve here
Show 20:00 - Purchase your tickets here
Thursday 19th
Maybe It's You
A romantic comedy theatre show that explores all kinds of relationships.
Tricia Audette, Adrian Randle and Iain Anderson will take you through multiple tales of love. From lonely aliens to lustful adolescents, from blind romance to childhood crushes and even the most erotic creation story ever told.
Show 20:00 Doors open 19:30
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Friday 20th
Merry Baubles
Join us for an exquisitely elegant and eclectic multilingual evening of live music, comedy, nostalgia, white elephants, food, drink and surprises with Barcelona’s top international performers.
Show 19:00
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd
La Col.leccionista de Paraules
Una obra màgica i emotiva que busca fomentar el gust per la lectura i destacar la importància de les paraules, mostrant com cada terme té el poder de crear o transformar mons sencers. Adreçat a un públic familiar, aquest espectacle és una experiència inoblidable.
Show 12:00
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd
The Heart, Mind, C*nt Connection
A work-in-progress stand-up, storytelling hour, from seasoned stand-up Belinda Filippelli. She's not here to talk about body parts. She's here at the holidays to help you laugh in the face of those who would call you a cunt for holding firm to your beliefs and following your heart. Ha!
Show 20:00 Doors open 19:30
Purchase your tickets by clicking here