Well our first week is over and we’ve learnt a lot & laughed a lot!
The whole team has been hard at work as always. Mike on construction, getting the place looking great considering it’s still a work-in-progress venue. Brielle and Zak installing and perfecting our tech equipment to ensure that everyone looks and sounds great on stage. Annie dealing with programming and speaking with upcoming performers about their productions and needs. Sam & Adrian taking photos and videos to promote the shows and the venue. Angela working miracles to keep us bunch of crazy artists on track and business like.
Tuesday was our open night, with the first show by Ministry of Propaganda Comedy. Hosted by Alex Jacob and featuring Kyla Cobbler, William Line, Anna Gerbs, Alik, Dave Rygielski and Rim. Also the fantastic Richard Crook from crookgin.com providing the catering with gourmet snacks and delicious agua frescas! Ministry of Propaganda will return on Tuesday October 15th with another line up of incredible comedians. Follow Ministry of Propaganda on Instagram - here
Wednesday saw the return of our in-house improv team, Watch This Space! The team performed a number of short form improv games followed by their signature improv jam. Chaotic fun and brilliantly unique as always. Watch This Space will be on every Wednesday at 8pm. Follow Watch This Space Improv on Instagram - here
Coming up this week (october 14th - 20th)

Yoga & Meditation
Mondays can be hard so start yours off with some Vinyasa Yoga and Meditation. These weekly sessions are tailored for men to improve posture and flexibility with a relaxed body and mind.
Starts at 10:00
Purchase your tickets by clicking here

Alex Jacob Presents
Ministry of Propaganda
Stand up comedy open mic. Featuring: Oli Bussell, Montse Mercado, Kurtis Bright, Michelle Ahern, Kim Skinner & Stuart Kennedy. Remember to bring your own booze!
Show 21:00 Doors open 20:30
This event is pay what you want but reservations are recommended - here

Watch This Space Improv: Show & Jam
Our resident improv team Watch This Space will host their weekly improv show & jam! Watch the team turn your suggestions into entertaining scenes & chaotic games. After the show, it's your opportunity to jump on stage & be part of the fun!
Bring your own booze.
Show 20:00 Doors open 19:30
Purchase your tickets by clicking here
Friday & Saturday

El Límite (teatro en Español)
Una obra que explora los límites entre la realidad y la fantasía a través de la historia de dos pandilleros de barrios rivales, Cuatro y Cinco. Los protagonistas se encuentran aislados en una celda de castigo de la que intentarán escapar. Los fantasmas y monstruos de un libro, serán la única salida de un camino sin final.
Migrar es un acto abiertamente transformador. Lo que hay del otro lado es incierto y el camino aterra. EL LÍMITE explora ese inacabable trayecto que recorremos como seres en constante movimiento.
Comienza 20:30 Puertas se abren 19:30
Entradas - aquí