The Heart, Mind, C*nt Connection
dj., 23 de gen.
|The BCN Studio
In this stand-up, storytelling hour, New York City native Belinda Filippelli brings serious Big Apple flavor to the stage and uses her serious knack for turning hardship into humor as she weaves seamlessly through topics ranging from dating in your forties to facing your brother’s funeral.

Hora i ubicació
23 de gen. del 2025, 20:00 – 21:30
The BCN Studio, C/ d'Elkano, 26 1A, Poble Sec, Barcelona
Sobre l'esdeveniment
Doors open 19:30 | In English
Stand-up Comedian Belinda Filippelli has been experimenting at The BCN Studio playground and performed two different solo shows here just last year. Two hours of laughter, celebration, trauma bonding and some pretty dark jokes now come together in a new way in her one-hour work in progress: The Heart, Mind, C*nt Connection.
In this stand-up, storytelling hour, New York City native Belinda Filippelli brings serious Big Apple flavor to the stage and manages to be a near-impossible balance of hilarious, kind and badass all simultaneously. She has a serious knack for turning hardship into humor, and her comedy weaves seamlessly through topics ranging from dating in your forties to facing your brother’s funeral.
"Watching her perform was like seeing someone walk a tightrope while juggling flaming swords. She turned her pain into art, into laughter, into something that felt cathartic for me.”